Maksan Rauha – Phalatrikadi

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Maksan Rauhaa, eli Phalatrikadia käytetään Ayurvedassa maksan toiminnan tasapainottamiseen. Lisäksi se auttaa veren puhdistumisessa ja on mieto laksatiivi.



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Maksan rauha, eli Phalatrikadi, normalisoi maksan toimintaa ja edistää sen terveyttä. Se tasapainottaa maksan aineenvaihduntaa ja edistää maksan puhdistumista. Lisäksi Maksan Rauha auttaa kolesterolin hallinnassa, sekä tukee veren ja ihon hyvinvointia. Sillä on myös ruuansulatusta ja sokeriaineenvaihduntaa tukevia vaikutuksia.

Phalatrikadi on Ayurvedan parhaita tuotteita maksan hyvinvoinnille. Pittaa tasapainottavan vaikutuksensa ansiosta se viilentää ja rauhoittaa maksaa, tukien sitä erilaisissa maksan häiriötiloissa ja edistää sen uudistumista. Phalatrikadin yhtenä komponenttina oleva Triphala on laajaspektrinen ruuansulatuskanavan normalisoija, joka tunnetaan myös antioksidanttisista vaikutuksistaan.

Tinospora cordifolia 360 mg, Terminalia chebula 168 mg, Emblica officinalis 169 mg, Terminalia bellirica 169 mg, Azadirachta indica 169 mg, Adhatoda vasica syn. Justicia adhatoda L. 169 mg. Sideaine: Akasiakumi / Bindemedel: Akasiagummi.

1 tabl 2 x päivässä aterian jälkeen lämpimän veden kanssa. 1 tabl 2 x om dagen efter måltid med varmt vatten.

FI: Suositeltua vuorokausiannosta ei saa ylittää. Ravintolisää ei tule käyttää monipuolisen ruokavalion korvikkeena. Säilytettävä lasten ulottumattomissa. Tuotetta ei tule käyttää raskauden tai imetyksen aikana. Tuote ei sovellu pienille lapsille. SE: Överskrid ej den angivna rekommenderade dagliga dosen. Kosttillskott ska inte vara ersättning för välbalanserad, varierad diet. Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Produkten ska inte användas undert graviditet eller amning. Produkten är inte lämplig för små barn.

Paino 136 g (gramma)
Mitat 5 × 5 × 9 cm (senttimetri)

Vata, Pitta ja Kapha ovat Ayurvedassa kehon kolme peruselementtiä, joista kukin vastaa kehon eri toiminnoista. Ne eroavat toisistaan täysin, täydentäen toisiaan. Jokainen Dosha määritellään ominaisuuksiensa avulla. Vata on kylmä, kevyt ja liikkuva, Pitta on kuuma, terävä ja öljyinen, kun taas Kapha on raskas, hidas ja jähmeä.

Ayurvedassa termillä Agni tarkoitetaan ruoansulatuksen tulta. Se tarkoittaa ruoansulatukseen liittyviä mahahappoja ja entsyymejä sekä ruoansulatusprosessia kokonaisuudessaan. Kun Agni on vahva ja tasapainossa, on henkilön ruoansulatus vahva ja se toimii tasapainoisesti.

Lue lisää Mitä on Ayurveda – osiostamme

  • Tinospora cordifolia STEM, Mental & adaptogenic effect, Improves the body’s resistance to stress. Helps the body to deal with stress. Helps to settle nervous excitation. Helps the mind and body deal with stress, 4171
  • Tinospora cordifolia STEM, Skin, Helps to soothe the skin. Helps maintain the health of the skin, 4172
  • Tinospora cordifolia STEM, Liver & Lipid metabolism, Helps maintain the health of the liver. Helps maintain the health of the liver against toxins. Helps to maintain the liver’s cleansing action.  Helps to maintain the liver’s ability to regenerate itself. Helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels., 4173
  • Tinospora cordifolia STEM, Genitourinary and glucose metabolism, Helps regulate blood sugar levels. Supports the cleansing action of the urinary system.Helps to keep the urinary system comfortable, 4174
  • Tinospora cordifolia STEM, Joints & bones, Supports the health of the joints by its comprehensive cleansing action and stimulating the immune system, 4175
  • Tinospora cordifolia STEM, Immune health and antioxidant, Strengthens the immune system. Strengthens the body’s natural defenses. Helps maintain the natural defences of the body cleanses/strengthens, 4176
  • Tinospora cordifolia STEM, Respiratory, Helps protect the health of the lungs. Helps protect the health of the lungs against toxins, 4177
  • Terminalia chebula, FRUIT PERICARP, Nervous system, senses, mind & head & stress, Supports CNS function. Supports mental function in general. Supports the function of the five senses, especially the sight.  -Helps maintain the health of the mouth and throat.  Helps to maintain head comfort. Helps maintain the health of the scalp. Improves the body’s resistance to stress.  Helps the body to deal with stress, 4157
  • Terminalia chebula, FRUIT PERICARP, Liver Health, Helps to maintain the health of the liver, 4158
  • Terminalia chebula, FRUIT PERICARP, Skin health, Helps to stabilise the health and natural resistance power of the skin, 4159
  • Terminalia chebula, FRUIT PERICARP, Respiratory, Supports the health of the respiratory tract. By its astringent properties it helps to maintain moisture balance in nose, throat and lungs, 4160
  • Terminalia chebula, FRUIT PERICARP, Reproductive, Helps to keep libido strong. Helps to maintain the health of the reproductive organs, 4161
  • Terminalia chebula, FRUIT PERICARP, Cardiovascular & cholesterol, Contributes to the health of the cardiovascular system. Helps to keep the heart strong and healthy. Helps to keep the blood healthy. Contributes to normal cholesterol, 4162
  • Terminalia chebula, FRUIT PERICARP, Antioxidant properties: Protection of body tissues, cells, membranes and lipids from oxidative damage (such as the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in red blood cell membranes), Contains a high amount of naturally occurring antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect you from radicals which cause cell damage/antioxidants help protect your cells, tissues and organs from oxidative damage Antioxidants contribute to the total antioxidant capacity of the body and may help strengthen your body’s defences. Helps protect your body’s cells, tissues and organs  Cellular protactive reducing the effects of aging Rejuvenating/anti-oxidant, 4163
  • Terminalia chebula, FRUIT PERICARP, Immune health, cellular aging & energy, Strengthens the immune system. Strengthens the body’s natural defenses. Helps maintain the immune system, the body’s natural defenses. Helps to maintain strength and energy levels. Helps protect cells against the aging process, 4164
  • Terminalia chebula, FRUIT PERICARP, Urinary & glucose metabolism, Helps to maintain normal blood glucose level. Supports the health of the urinary system, 4165
  • Emblica officinalis, Immunity/digestion, Support gastrointestinal health/helps to support the digestion/maintenance of the intestinal functions/contributes to physical well-being helps to promote regularity/helps the function of the intestines/supports better bowel performance/contributes to bow, 2858
  • Emblica officinalis (common name: Emblica officinalis), Digestive health, Helps to support digestion/ Maintains the function of intestinal tract/Stomach friendly/Contributes to the health of the digestive tract, 2182
  • Azadirachta indica, Supports the body’s natural defences especially in the digestive system and on the skin, Anti bacterial, 3267
  • Azadirachta indica. BARK, Supports liver function, Liver, 3982
  • Azadirachta indica. BARK, Supports skin health. Soothing to the skin., Skin, 3983
  • Azadirachta indica. LEAF, Supports balanced metabolism of sugars and eye function., Sugar metabolism and eye function., 3985
  • Adhatoda vasica LEAF & WHOLE PLANT, Helps to maintain the health of the respiratory system by its sedative and expectorant properties., Respiratory, 3970
  • Adhatoda vasica-leafs-Acanthaceae-Vasa-Malabar Nut, Stress Relief due to vasicine componds and glycosides, contributes to resistance agains stress, 4343
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Vision, head & hair, Helps to maintain vision. Helps maintain the health of the head and hair, 4149
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Antioxidant properties: Protection of body tissues, cells, membranes and lipids from oxidative damage (such as the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in red blood cell membranes), Antioxidants help protect you from radicals which cause cell damage/antioxidants help protect your cells, tissues and organs from oxidative damage. Antioxidants contribute to the total antioxidant capacity of the body and may help strengthen your body’s defences. Helps protect your body’s cells, tissues and organs, 4150
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Immunity and liver, Supports the immune system. Helps protect the liver, 4151
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Cholesterol, Contributes to normal cholesterol, 4152
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Cardiovascular health, Contributes to the health of the cardiovascular system, 4153
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Glucose metabolism, energy and libido, Helps to maintain normal blood glucose level, 4154
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Respiratory, Helps maintain the strength of the respiratory system, 4155

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