Äänen Detox – Yastimadhu

120 kpl/prk

Äänen Detoxia, eli Yastimadhua, käytetään Ayurvedassa äänen käheyteen ja hengitysteiden tukemiseen.



Varasto loppu

Glyzyrrhiza glabra 160-240 mg, Piper nigrum 80-120 mg, Syzygium aromaticum 80-12is0 mg, Terminalia bellirica 40-60 mg, Cinnamomum camphora 40-60 mg

1 imeskelytabletti 4-6 krt/pv tarpeen mukaan. 1 sugtablett 4-6 ggr om dagen vid behov.

FI: Suositeltua vuorokausiannosta ei saa ylittää. Ravintolisää ei tule käyttää monipuolisen ruokavalion korvikkeena. Säilytettävä lasten ulottumattomissa. Tuotetta ei tule käyttää raskauden tai imetyksen aikana. SE: Överskrid ej den angivna rekommenderade dagliga dosen. Kosttillskott ska inte vara ersättning för välbalanserad, varierad diet. Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Produkten ska inte användas undert graviditet eller amning.

Paino 112 g (gramma)
Mitat 5 × 5 × 9 cm (senttimetri)

Vata, Pitta ja Kapha ovat Ayurvedassa kehon kolme peruselementtiä, joista kukin vastaa kehon eri toiminnoista. Ne eroavat toisistaan täysin, täydentäen toisiaan. Jokainen Dosha määritellään ominaisuuksiensa avulla. Vata on kylmä, kevyt ja liikkuva, Pitta on kuuma, terävä ja öljyinen, kun taas Kapha on raskas, hidas ja jähmeä.

Ayurvedassa termillä Agni tarkoitetaan ruoansulatuksen tulta. Se tarkoittaa ruoansulatukseen liittyviä mahahappoja ja entsyymejä sekä ruoansulatusprosessia kokonaisuudessaan. Kun Agni on vahva ja tasapainossa, on henkilön ruoansulatus vahva ja se toimii tasapainoisesti.

Lue lisää Mitä on Ayurveda – osiostamme

  • Althaea officinalis radix, Ocimum basilicum herba, Betonica officinalis herba, Hyssopus officinalis herba, Veronica officinalis herba, Melissa officinalis folium, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Polypodium vulgare rhizoma, Smilax sarsaparilla radix, Citrus limonum pericarpum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum cortex, Amomum aromaticum fructus, Pimpinella anisum fructus, Foeniculum vulgare fructus (althaea root, sweet basil herb, betony herb, hyssop herb, speewell herb, lemon balm leaves, licorice root, adder’s fern root, smilax root, lemon rind, cinnamon bark, nepal cardamom fruit, anise fruit, bitter fennel fruits), Help to obtain the respiratory tract confort because of mucilages,  saponins and  volatile oils, constituients present in the plants combination, help to obtain the respiratory tract confort / help to eliminate the respiratory tract disconfort / support the respiratory tract well function / support the repiratory tract health, 4512
  • Astragalus membranaceus radix, Echinaceae species herba, Uncaria tomentosa radix, Allium sativum bulbus, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix (astragalus root, echinacea herb, cat’s claw root, garlic bulbs, licorice root), Maintain imune health because of polyholosides, astragalosides, alliin and glycyrrhetic-acid, constituients present in this plants combination, support for body’s natural defences / increases resistance of organism / supports for immune system, 4514
  • Calendula officinalis flos, Hypericum perforatum herba, Robinia pseudacacia flos, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Melissa officinalis herba, Plantago species folium (marigold flowers, St. John’s wort herba, locust tree flowers, licorice root, melissa herb, plantain leaves), Supports the good function of the digestive system because of mucilages, flavonoids, tanins, and polyphenols, constituients present in this plant combination, protect the gastric membraneus mucosa, reduce the digestive disconfort / contributes to gastric membraneus mucosa protection / support the well function of digestive system and help to eliminate digestive disconfort / good for a healthy stomac, 4520
  • Calendula officinalis flos, Plantago species folium, Mycelis muralis herba, Hypericum perforatum herba, Hyssopus officinalis herba, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, (marigold flower, plantain leaves, wall lettuce herb, St. John’s wort herb, hyssop herba, licorice root), Maintain stomach health because of the polyphenols,  flavonoids,  azulenes,  glycyrrhyzin, mucilages, present in this plants combination, support the well function of digestive sistem and help to eliminate digestive discomfort / contributes to gastric membraneus mucosa protection , 4522
  • Cassia angustifolia folium, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix (senna leaves, licorice root), Maintain intestinal health because of anthraquinone and glycyrrhizin, constituients present in this plants combination, helps slow intestinal transit / supports bowel transit, 4535
  • Cassia angustifolia folium, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Pimpinella anisum fructus (senna leaves, licorice root, anise fruits), Maintain intestinal health because of anthraquinone, celulose and volatil oil, constituients present in this plants combination, helps slow intestinal transit / supports bowel transit , 4536
  • Cassia angustifolia folium, Hibiscus sabdariffa flos, Sambucus nigra fructus, Camellia sinensis folium, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix (senna leaves, red sorrel flowers, blafck elder fruits, tea bush leaves, licorice root), Maintain weight control because of anthraquinone, catechins, teophyllines and flavones, constituients present in this plants combination, helps to loosing weight / helps in weight control / helps maintain a normal body weight, 4537
  • Cassia angustifolia folium, Rhamnus frangula cortex, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Anethum graveolens fructus, Pimpinella anisum fructus (senna leaves, alder buckthorn bark, licorice root, dill fruits, anise fruits), Maintain intestinal health because of anthraquinone, celulose and volatil oil, constituients present in this plants combination, support echilibration of a slow intestinal transit and facilited elimination / supports bowel transit , 4540
  • Cimicifuga racemosa herba, Angelica sinensis radix, Trifolium pratense herba, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Leonurus cardiaca herba (black cohosh herb, chinese angelica root, red clover herb, licorice root, motherwort herb), Helps woman to have a mental and physical confort on menopause because of flavones, iridoids, leonurine, phytosterols and essential oils, constitunts present in this plants combination, helps woman to have a mental and physical confort on menopause / helps to eliminate menopausal disconfort, 4541
  • Convolvulus arvensis herba, Aloe vera folium, Linum usitatissimum semen, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Sambucus ebulus radix (field bindweed herb, aloe leaves, linseed, licorice root, danewort root), Maintain large intestine health because of mucilages, celulose, aloin, anthraquinones and resines, constituients present in this plants combination, help to stimulate colon motility, 4543
  • Fillipendula ulmaria herba, Betula alba folium, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Juniperus communis fruct, Harpagophytum procumbens radix, Salix alba cortex (dropwort, sweet birch leave, licorice root, juniper fruit, devil’s clow rt, white willow bark), Maintain joints health because of salicylate, flavonoids,  glycyrrhizin, cinnamic acid and harpagoquinone,  constituients present in this plants combination, helps to eliminate joint disconfort, maintainining the joint mobility and flexibility / helps to the joint well function /  helps to the joint well function, 4562
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra – common name : Licorice, “Traditionally used to facilitate the digestion” / “Used to facilitate the digestion” / “Contributes to the digestive comfort” / “Helps to support the digestion” / “Contributes to support the digestion”., Digestion, 3769
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Calendula officinalis flos, Hypericum perforatum herba (licorice root, marigold flower, St. John’s wort herb), It is beneficial for the stomach state and help maintaining gastric mucosa integrity, support the well function of digestive sistem and help to eliminate digestive discomfort, 4570
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Mentha piperita aetheroleum, Foeniculum vulgare aetheroleum, Thymus vulgaris aetheroleum, Achillea millefolium aetheroleum, Eucalyptus globulus aetheroleum (licorice root, peppermint essential oil, fennel essential oil, thyme essential oil, yarrow essential oil, eucalipt essential oil), Support respiratory tract health because of saponines, steroids and volatile oils,  constituients present in the plants combination, support respiratory tract health / help to elimination respiratory tract disconfort / help to obtain respiratory confort , 4571
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra ROOT, Skin, Helps maintain good complexion, 2846
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra ROOT, Respiratory, Soothes the upper respiratory tract and helps to keep it comfortable. Helps keep the airways clear, 4050
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra ROOT, Mental, Helps maintain mental calm. Helps keep the nervous system strong. Supports mental function, 4051
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra ROOT, Digestion, Helps to maintain balance and comfort in the digestive systems of people with sensitive digestions, 4052
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra ROOT, Immunity. Antioxidant, Supports the immune system. Has significant antioxidant properties, 4053
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra ROOT, Energy, Helps maintain energy levels, 4054
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra ROOT, Genitourinary, Supports the function of the whole reproductive system. Helps maintain the health of the urinary system.Supports the health of the prostate gland, 4055
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra ROOT, Joints & bones, Helps to maintain the health and comfort of joints, 4056
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra-Roots, Liquorice, Origanum vulgare-herba, Oregano, Glycyrrhiza glabra-Roots, Liquorice, Origanum vulgare-herba, Oregano, contributes to the normal function of the intestinal tract, Support gastrointestinal health / helps to support the digestion / contributes to physical wellbeing / supports better bowel performance / for a regular bowel motion., 4568
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra-Roots, Liquorice, Origanum vulgare-herba, Oregano, Glycyrrhiza glabra-Roots, Liquorice, Origanum vulgare-herba, Oregano, relief of airways common cold, Soothing for throat and chest / helps to soothe common cold , contributes to physical wellbeing., 4569
  • Inula helenium radix, Eucalyptus globulus folium, Thymus vulgaris herba, Hyssopus officinalis herba, Plantago species folium, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Zingiber officinale rhizoma, Chelidonium majus herba, Foeniculum vulgare fructus (alant root, eucalypt leaves, thyme herb, hyssop herb, plantain leaves, licorice root, ginger root, greater celandine herb, fennel fruits), Support the respiratory tract well function because of volatile oils, mucilages, triterpene saponins, gingerols and iridoides, constituients prezent in the plants combination, help to obtain the respiratory tract confort / help to eliminate the respiratory tract disconfort / support the respiratory tract well function / support the repiratory tract health, 4584
  • Melilotus officinalis herba, Hyssopus officinalis herba, Foeniculum vulgare fructus, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Centaurium umbellatum herba (melilot herb, hyssop herb, fennel fruit, licorice root, centaury herb), Maintain cardiovascular health because of coumarines, volatil oil, flavonoides and alkaloids, constituients present in this plants combination, support heart and vassels well function , 4589
  • Menyanthes trifoliata herba, Centaurium umbellatum herba, Salix alba cortex, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Illicium verum fructus (beckbean herb, centaury herb, white willow bark, licorice root, star anise fruits), Support respiratory tract health because of iridodes, bitter principles, salicin, volatile oils and glycyrrhizin, constituients present in the plants combination, help to obtain respiratory confort / help to elimination respiratory tract disconfort / support respiratory tract health, 4595
  • Pimpinella anisum fructus, Foeniculum vulgare fructus, Mentha piperita herba, Rosmarinus officinale folium, Ocimum basilicum herba, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Cassia angustifolia folium, Cichorium intybus radix (anise fruits, fennel fruits, peppermint herb, rosemary leaves, sweet basil herb, licorice root, senna leaves, chicory root), Helps digestive secretions and gastrointestinal motility, contribute to excessive gas elimination, support the well function of digestive system/help to elimination gastrointestinal discomfort / help to obtain digestive confort / support digestive tract health , 4604
  • Pinus silvestris turiones, Populus nigra gemmae, Eryngium planum herba, Plantago species folium, Origanum vulgare herba, Foeniculum vulgare fructus, Thymus vulgaris herba, Tilia species flos, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix (scotch pine buds, black poplar buds, sea holly herb, plantain leaves, wild marjoram herb, fennel fruit, thyme herb, linden flowers, licorice root), Help to maintain optimal functioning of the upper respiratory tract/helps to relax bronchial muscles and streamline bronchial secretions, help to obtain the respiratory tract confort / help to eliminate the respiratory tract disconfort / support the respiratory tract well function / support the repiratory tract health, 4605
  • Salvia officinalis herba, Foeniculum vulgare fructus, Medicago sativa herba, Alchemilla vulgaris herba, Glycyrrhiza glabra radix, Rosmarinus officinalis folium, Crataegus monogyna folium et flore, Lavandula officinalis flos (sage herb, fennel fruits, alfalfa herb, lions’ foot herb, licorice root, rosemary leaves, howthorn flowers and leaves, lavender flowers), Helps to eliminate menopausal disconfort because of  phytoestrogenes, volatile oils, flavonoides and anthocyanidins, constituients prezent in the plants combination, helps woman to have a mental and physical confort on menopause  / helps to eliminate menopausal disconfort  /, 4622
  • Sweet-root/licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra);(Deglycrrhizinated Licorice radix (DGL);;, Gastrointestinal health, Active substances of licorice help maintain normal function of mucous membranes in the stomach and small intestine, 2370
  • Piper nigrum, digestion, Helps to maintain natural digestive functions, 2116
  • Piper nigrum FRUIT, Digestion, Supports appetite, digestion and absorption of nutrients. Helps to digest toxins. Helps in body weight control. (In small quantities in a polyherbal formula) increases the effectiveness of other herbal ingredients, 2109
  • Piper nigrum FRUIT, Respiration, Helps to keep the airways open. Supports the health of the whole respiratory system, 2110
  • Piper nigrum FRUIT, Nervous system, Vitalises the nervous system, 2111
  • Piper nigrum FRUIT, Female reproductive system, Supports the health of the female reproductive system. Helps to cleanse the reproductive organs by promoting blood circulation through the fine blood vessels and capillaries, 2112
  • Piper nigrum FRUIT, Liver, Helps to cleanse the liver and support its function by promoting blood circulation through the fine blood vessels and capillaries, 2113
  • Piper nigrum FRUIT, Skin, Helps to cleanse the skin by promoting blood circulation through the fine blood vessels and capillaries, 2114
  • Cinnamomum camphora – common name : camphor, Vascular and Vein Health, / “Used for the good circulation of blood in microvessels” / “Helps to decrease the sensations of heavy leggs”, 2241
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Digestion, Helps maintain the strength of the lining of the digestive tract. Supports digestion and elimination. Helps maintain intestinal motility, 4148
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Vision, head & hair, Helps to maintain vision. Helps maintain the health of the head and hair, 4149
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Antioxidant properties: Protection of body tissues, cells, membranes and lipids from oxidative damage (such as the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in red blood cell membranes), Antioxidants help protect you from radicals which cause cell damage/antioxidants help protect your cells, tissues and organs from oxidative damage. Antioxidants contribute to the total antioxidant capacity of the body and may help strengthen your body’s defences. Helps protect your body’s cells, tissues and organs, 4150
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Immunity and liver, Supports the immune system. Helps protect the liver, 4151
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Cholesterol, Contributes to normal cholesterol, 4152
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Cardiovascular health, Contributes to the health of the cardiovascular system, 4153
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Glucose metabolism, energy and libido, Helps to maintain normal blood glucose level, 4154
  • Terminalia belerica FRUIT, Respiratory, Helps maintain the strength of the respiratory system, 4155

Varasto loppu